Monday, June 27, 2011

Critique on "In SIckness and Wealth"

Over all, I believe this article is well stated. I agree with the author in the fact that there is no logical reason to change the euro now. Changing the euro would just cause confusion amongst its users and the people. The real value behind money, whether it be the euro or the dollar or any other currency, will always change based off of the economy. Like the writer states, "...there will be ups and downs in the value of the euro...” I agree with what the author states that there is no true reason to change the euro to any other currency because it has not come to a major failing point in Europe. If catastrophe strikes or if something occurs in Europe that calls for a drastic change in currency, then so be it, however, this is not happening currently. This form of currency the Europeans are using is working perfectly fine. Although there is some economic problems and recessions occurring now that does not mean the Europeans need to change the currency that people have been using all along. If there is an increasingly strong connection between the Euro and recessions or major economic problems, then the time will come where the currency will have to change.

A problem I had with this article is how the author did not state that unlike the dollar the euro supports the economies of many different nations. To change Europe’s currency would mean many nations would need to switch over to the new currency or switch back to its original currency. The reason so many nations have faith in the Euro is because of how many nations the Euro supports. This means that if one nation has a catastrophe or economic meltdown it does not mean the euro will crumble. The thought that Europe would switch away from the euro is insane. It supports and is used by so many nations that changing it would take all credibility behind the idea of the euro. The euro has been sold across Europe as the foundation and currency of all of Europe. Many nations have not bought into the idea of the euro until recently. To change the currency of Europe would not work and it would only result into many different currencies all through out Europe.

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