Thursday, June 23, 2011

In sickness and wealth

The article explains how the euro is still working and will remain the currency in Europe. The article stated that the value is staying at $1.44 and either staying the same, or increasing. In the month of June the value of the euro, which is $1.44, increased by 8%. If the euro remains popular and continues with increasing values then there is no reason change the form of currency. The euro has been steady and stable for all these years, so it wouldn’t make much sense to change the currency when encountering some troubled times. There will be ups and downs in the value of the euro, but overall in the long term run, the euro will be productive. There is also incentive to continue using the euro when the ECB offers yield advantages to investors who use the euro as currency. The title of the article is, Why the currency markets have not yet lost faith in the euro, and I believe that no body is questioning the euro until it begins to under achieve and come close to its shutdown point. The euro has been the traditional European form of currency and to just up and change Europe’s currency now is just stupid. Just because the world is in a recession doesn’t mean that we leave and change what has been working in the past. Continue to use the euro it has gotten you this far and is a stable and steady value. The form of currency you use is extremely important in life and people need to take pride in the consistency that the value of the euro possesses. I disagree and think that the euro will devalue because of the increase in money supply due to the bailouts. The euro can very easily lead to inflation.

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