Thursday, December 2, 2010

Critique on Underwater Airplane

Critique on Underwater Airplane

I have chosen to critique the article about Richard Branson’s newest toy the Necker Nymph. Richard Branson is known for pushing the Virgin name to the limits. All of the stunts he partakes in is to create maximum publicity for his company. In order to get the Virgin name into every household Branson continues to push the limits. The extreme stunts he partakes in helps boost the amount of revenue his company is receiving because of the publicity it creates. Not many people haven’t heard of one of the more than 60 Virgin companies he has created.

Branson’s newest edition is adds to the already high profile vacation at Necker Island. I agree with the statement that renting out the Neckar Nymph may be hard due to the high prices, but anyone able to rent the Island for 300,000 dollars a week probably would not be worrying about an extra 25,000 for an underwater experience. Also, the Nymph is one of a kind for an easy underwater experience without having to rent out a submarine, which would be much more expensive than the Nymph rental. I believe the break even price even with the addition of all the variable costs such as the pilot, gas, repairs and insurance will not be difficult to reach. I believe that people who are renting out the island are looking for the ultimate beach and water experience and the Nymph greatly sweetens the deal. I believe Branson will be able to create much more profit for the rental of the island with this simple addition. If you follow Branson’s business moves they at times may be risky, but he is a very experienced entrepreneur and I believe that he has put much thought into the Nymph and its potential to easily increase the desire to rent out the Island.

As for Hawkes Ocean Technologies they have an extremely interesting product. I agree with the write that it will be hard for other companies to enter the market. They have a great product that can represent a status symbol such as a Bugatti or a Lamborghini. I agree with that there is low threat on other companies taking over this extremely hard market to enter. Even though the company has a monopoly on this particular product I believe that they will be able to increase revenue due to peoples desires for expensive status symbol products. Although there is only one underwater airplane as of now, they will not hold the monopoly for long. If the product creates large amounts of revenue there are always companies capable of competing in order to gain a share of the market.

With the addition of the Nymph Richard Branson continues to push the business world to the extreme. I believe that he will reap large rewards from this move due to the fact it greatly sweetens the deal to a millionaires dream island visit.

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